
The "Let Go" Stocks- Kebaya Tops from Jakarta!!

It has been a month, and many things has happened in a month's time- wishing better times ahead to all my visitors and followers.. may we have a safe, safe one! Please take good care of yourselves! Presenting below:-

The "Let Go" Stocks - Kebaya Tops!

Cotton silk kebaya tops from Jakarta.. fine embroidery -choosen from amongst the best -just for special ladies like us...

1. Deep Rich Red

2. Oh, so fine - Cream soft silky top

3. No harm to go bright orange, it is after all a happy orange!

4. Light lavender -exquisite and special (sold)

Since the previous contact number has sinced been robbed away, you may contact me at 012 315 6049 or littlenet@hotmail.com to get in touch with these lovely pieces!

(Sementara stok masih ada)

p.s. Appreciate life, love yourself - if you see something special that you adore, go for it, dont waste it if its meant to be yours - its definitely yours and you will know it :)