
Special note - Wishing all my visitors- "Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir dan Batin" - Do enjoy the holiday season and our new baju Raya!

I have new stocks for - Cotton Inner long sleeve tees or spaghetti top cotton singlets in white, black, skin color, fresh pink, bright pink, dark red, lilac pink, blue, dark brown, red, purple, light pink in sizes S-M and L-XL together with 3/4 black tights!

Coming soon - Ready made outfits in limited colors for Raya Haji, Deepavali, weddings, Christmas present, your new work wardrobe, gifts for your family and friends

- Think of owning your first Punjabi suit (loose fit in S-M,L-XL sizes), baju kurung (in S, M, L sizes) and long gown/ jubah kaftan labuh in S, M and L sizes (current trend - see the latest magazines -Nona, Jelita, Wanita etc) - Opening special -designed by moi only! pls sms or email me :)
Samples of Outfit
- for my Kain Sulam Benang Chiffon

1. Baju kurung traditional

2. Long gown/jubah with skirt
3. Baju kurung traditional

4. Baju kurung modern

5. Baju kurung modern

6. Baju kurung traditional